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user.c -- user-definable operations
This section contains functions and constants that the
user may want to change.
Copyright © 1995-2020 C.B. Barber
» Geom
Io Mem
Merge Poly
Qhull Set
Stat User
- qh_DEFAULTbox
define default box size for rbox, 'Qbb', and 'QbB' (Geomview expects 0.5)
- qh_INFINITE on
output, indicates Voronoi center at infinity
- qh_ORIENTclock
define convention for orienting facets
- qh_RANDOMdist
for testing qh.DISTround (sets qh.RANDOMfactor for qh.RANDOMdist, same as option 'Rn')
- compiler defined symbols,
e.g., _STDC_ and _cplusplus
- qh_COMPUTEfurthest
compute furthest distance to an outside point instead of storing it with the facet
- qh_KEEPstatistics
enable statistic gathering and reporting with option 'Ts'
- qh_MAXcheckpoint
report up to qh_MAXcheckpoint errors per facet in qh_check_point ('Tv')
- qh_MAXoutside
record outer plane for each facet
- qh_NOmerge
disable facet merging
- qh_NOtrace
disable tracing with option 'T4'
- qh_QHpointer
access global data with pointer or static structure
- qh_QUICKhelp
use abbreviated help messages, e.g., for degenerate inputs
- qh_BESTcentrum
if many vertices for facet, qh_findbestneighbor tests centrums instead of vertices
- qh_BESTnonconvex
if many neighbors for facet, qh_findbestneighbor only tests nonconvex ridges
- qh_COPLANARratio
what is qh.MINvisible?
- qh_DIMreduceBuild
max dimension for vertex reduction
- qh_DIMmergeVertex
max dimension for vertex merging
- qh_DISToutside
when is a point clearly outside of a facet for qh_findbestnew and qh_partitionall
- qh_MAXnarrow max.
cosine for qh.NARROWhull
- qh_MAXcoplanarcentrum
if 'Qx' and many merges, use f.maxoutside for coplanarity test
instead of qh.centrum_radius
- qh_MAXnarrow
max. cosine in initial hull that sets qh.NARROWhull
- qh_MAXnewcentrum
when does qh_reducevertices_centrum() reset the
- qh_MAXnewmerges
when does qh_merge_nonconvex() call
- qh_RATIOconcavehorizon
ratio of horizon vertex distance to qh.max_outside for concave, twisted new facets in qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge
- qh_RATIOconvexmerge
ratio of vertex distance to qh.min_vertex for clearly convex new facets in qh_test_nonsimplicial_merge
- qh_RATIOcoplanarapex
ratio of best distance for coplanar apex vs. vertex merge in qh_getpinchedmerges
- qh_RATIOcoplanaroutside
ratio to repartition a coplanar point as an outside point in qh_partitioncoplanar and qh_check_maxout
- qh_RATIOmaxsimplex
ratio for searching all points in qh_maxsimplex
- qh_RATIOnearinside
ratio for retaining inside points for qh_check_maxout
- qh_RATIOpinchedsubridge
ratio to qh.ONEmerge to accept vertices in qh_findbest_pinchedvertex
- qh_RATIOtrypinched
ratio to qh.ONEmerge to try qh_getpinchedmerges in qh_buildcone_mergepinched
- qh_RATIOtwisted
maximum ratio to qh.ONEmerge to merge twisted facets in qh_merge_twisted
- qh_SEARCHdist
when is facet coplanar with the best facet for qh_findbesthorizon
- qh_USEfindbestnew
when to use qh_findbestnew for qh_partitionpoint()
- qh_WARNnarrow
max. cosine in initial hull to warn about qh.NARROWhull
- qh_WIDEcoplanar
what is a wide facet
- qh_WIDEduplicate
merge ratio for errexit from qh_forcedmerges due to duplicate ridge
- qh_WIDEridge
merge ratio for selecting a forced dupridge merge
- qh_WIDEmaxoutside
precision ratio for maximum increase for qh.max_outside in qh_check_maxout
- qh_WIDEmaxoutside2
precision ratio for maximum qh.max_outside in qh_check_maxout
- qh_WIDEpinched
merge ratio for distance between pinched vertices compared to current facet width for qh_getpinchedmerges and qh_next_vertexmerge
- qh_ZEROdelaunay
define facets that are ignored in Delaunay triangulations
- qh_exit exit program, same as exit(). May be redefined as throw "QH10003.." by libqhullcpp/usermem_r-cpp.cpp
- qh_fprintf_stderr print to stderr when qh.ferr is not defined.
- qh_free free memory, same as free().
- qh_malloc allocate memory, same as malloc()
- qh_fprintf print
information from Qhull, sames as fprintf().
- qh_fprintf_rbox print
information from Rbox, sames as fprintf().
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Comments to: qhull@qhull.org
Created: May 2, 1997 --- Last modified: see top